Onsite Childcare Benefits Employees and Businesses
Offering on-site childcare can be a huge benefit to both employees and businesses. Employees who are able to bring their children to an employee-provided childcare center have better mental health and fewer anxieties and distractions than those using other childcare arrangements. They also tend to be able to return to work sooner after having a child due to the convenience of having their child nearby. For employers, this means that the employees are more productive, have better attendance, and are more loyal and committed to the company. It’s a win-win!
To read more about my findings on the benefits of onsite childcare, check out this blog post.
Interactive Presentation Built in Storyline
I used Articulate Storyline to build this interactive presentation to summarize the benefits of having onsite childcare. I utilized my own brand colors and sourced similar-looking photos for a consistent look and feel throughout the presentation. After a brief introduction slide, you come to a slide with the benefits for employees. By selecting each of the six icons at the top of the page, you reveal a new layer that shows the details of one specific benefit. By using conditional triggers, I require that you visit all six layers before you are able to move on to the next slide, which covers the benefits for employers in the same way.
This is a short demo project. However, if I were to fully develop this as a course, I would include additional research and evidence, such as statistics as well as the alternatives to onsite childcare that I mentioned in my blog post. I would also include assessments of some kind and possibly use stories and characters to help demonstrate the difference between employees and businesses who have on-site childcare versus those who don’t. This course could also be tailored to a specific company or industry.
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Tutorial Video
In this video, I walk you through how I used icons to trigger slide layers in Articulate Storyline.
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